Surely eggs must be the must versatile food around? With so many different ways to cook them, then why not hold a festival dedicated to this egg-cellent food. And everyone who went had a cracking time!
The Ministry of Information and Communications, Việt Namnbsp;Stamp Association, and Việt Namnbsp;Post hosted a closing ceremony and handed out prizes to the winners at the National Postage Stamp Exhibition - Vietstampex on Sunday.
ABO/NDO - The Ministry of Information and Communications, the Vietnam Post and the Vietnam Stamp Association opened the National Postage Stamp Exhibition (Vietstampex) on June 24. Báo Ấp Bắc điện tử, cơ quan của Đảng bộ Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, tiếng nói của Đảng bộ, chính quyền, và nhân dân tỉnh Tiền Giang