If you’ve lived here for any appreciable amount of time, you’ve probably heard Maine referred to as the “tailpipe of the nation.” Prevailing winds carry pollutants up from the Midwest and the rest of New England, periodically resulting in smoggy,.
Oklahoma, Missouri and Nebraska are among dozens of states that have yet to submit plans for improving air quality in protected areas. Environmental nonprofits are suing the EPA to compel the agency to take action.
A group of national nonprofits is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to enforce federal air quality laws in national parks and wilderness areas. Nebraska is among dozens of states that have not sent federally mandated plans to the EPA.
Missouri and Illinois are among dozens of states that have yet to submit plans for improving air quality in protected areas. Environmental nonprofits are suing the EPA to compel the agency to take action.
Missouri and Illinois are among dozens of states that have yet to submit plans for improving air quality in protected areas. Environmental nonprofits are suing the EPA to compel the agency to take action.