A historical marker could be placed in front of the building that previously housed the C.C. Johnson Drug Store. It s at Richland Avenue and Newberry Street.
Future use of former Wallingford armory unclear after police department leaves- WALLINGFORD The police department is planning to vacate its current location for a new facility, which leaves the question of how to reuse the current building up to town officials.Last week, the Town Council approved spending $3.3 million to.
Wallingford eyes Barnes Road office building for new police department
Wallingford eyes Barnes Road office building for new police department
A building at 100 Barnes Rd. in Wallingford, Wed., Apr. 7, 2021. The Wallingford police station might be moving to the location. The Town Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on approving the purchase contract for the building and property. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal Advertisement
A building at 100 Barnes Rd. in Wallingford, Wed., Apr. 7, 2021. The Wallingford police station might be moving to the location. The Town Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on approving the purchase contract for the building and property. Dave Zajac, Record-Journal