The All India Football Federation's (AIFF) attempts to use the video assistant referee (VAR), the FIFA-approved official decision review system, for two semifinal matches of the National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy failed to .
, Feb 28 (IANS) The last time Karnataka won the National Football Championship for Santosh Trophy was in 1968-69 as Mysore State, even before they got their present name in 1973. Services claimed the trophy more recently in 2018-19.The two .
As four teams prepare to take to Riyadh for the semi-finals of the 76th National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy, one serial winner of that trophy will be keenly watching from home.Manas Bhattacharya was a reputed winger in the .
Punjab and Karnataka sealed their spots in the semifinals of the 76th National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy, to be played at the King Fahd Stadium in Riyadh.The two teams had started the day at the top two spots on the table, .