That had 333 recommendations for reform to the Grant Programs at fema. Howev however, only found four permanent changes in which these recommendations came forward. Despite reform over a fiveyear period, little in the way of reform appears to have occurred. We had a hearing on this in 2013 in which we went through some of the various forms of waste occurring at fema. Even since that hearing, we still continue to have problems. 280,000 was recently spent for a bear cat Armored Vehicle in dover. We complained of a 600,000 bear cat Armored Vehicle for keen. I guess New Hampshire is ready for the next invasion. We also found recently or the inspectors have found 1. 7 million for unused radios and generators and 174,000 for unused radios in d. C. This is since we last meant to talk about waste. Every dollar wasted makes a difference two taxpayers. Right now, fema is more than 20 billion in debt because of the Flood Insurance program. Disaster spending often far outpaces the annual Funding C
NDPTC has been facilitating disaster risk reduction capacity building in Indonesia with the support of the United States Agency for International Development.
BRAWLEY – “You have to realize it’s going to be chaos and their safety and your safety depend on you,” instructor Elaine Spruill told a class of locals in Brawley