The foretwoity was an intent. I think thats something that we should all explore. Thank you. I have worked on legislation. Its a little late in this session under your tenure that would create guardrails and prevent these kinds of failures and abuses. I think your comments were appropriate. We allow companies to still do they have to provide Real Transparency which they dont always. Have to reward workers not just shareholders. Senator brown ill close with a statement. We saw earlier this year the pandemic crashing our families, hospitals, and the economy. How the market seized the up. The s. E. C. s recent report on interconnectedness in the market offers insights but no real policy recommendations. I know that you and vice chair and represent duty pute secretary money market reforms were not good enough. It is clear your successor, the next banking regulators will need to reduce risk from interconnectedness and excessive leverage. The economy may in the future will depend on it. Than
To limit debate on the nomination of judy shelton for Federal Reserve board. Three republican senators have announced opposition to her confirmation, and the vote is expected to be tonight. That vote is scheduled for 2 15 eastern time when senators return frotheir weekly party meetgs. The chaplain let us pray. Mighty god, help our lawmakers to not put their complete trust in mere humans who are as frail as each breath. Instead, give them the wisdom to totally trust you to guide them in doing what is best for our nation and world. Lord, remind them that eventually all will be well for those who pursue godliness, and that you reward those who diligently seek you. May they remember that you will judge their work and reward their faithfulness, for they are accountable to you. Inspire them to continue to plant and water the seeds of peace, knowing that a bountiful harvest will surely come. Keep their motives pure as they seek to glorify you. We pray in your merciful name. Amen. The presidin
Diversity and inclusion. Over the course of the day were going to discuss what it will take for diversity, inclusion, and equity to be more than just buzzwords. Id like to thank our sponsors. International Franchise Association and the association of realtors for the support of todays program. And thank you for supporting this particular session. Under 50 years after its founding, americas more diverse than ever before. However, stereotypes are beginning to fade, significant barrier still exist. Justice, equal opportunity, continue to be out of reach for many black, hispanic, lgbtq and other minority populations. This is a real problem. Were policy initiatives can be put in place to address these gaps and barriers. With politic for the rapper a should have pisces, perceptions, and bigotry in our institutions. Fair and equitable opportunities opening up across the port and across institutions. Were going to discuss all about it more and im going to discuss with some of my colleagues in
Be back in the building of the Heritage Foundation. Weve been away for some type teleworking. But this is my first day back for a while. Im very pleased to be back here today for this very important hl Heritage Foundation. Weve been away for sometime teleworking but this is my first day back for a while but im very pleased to be back here today for this very important event. Of launching the Heritage Foundations 2021 index of military strength. Now this is the seventh addition of the index. And the index has become one of Heritage Foundations flagship publications. Our goal is unchanged from the very first issue. Its to provide both the leaders of this country, and also the American Public a premier open source and authoritative assessment of Americas Armed forces and their ability to protect the nation. On i think that weve not only achieved that ball but we have continued with this effort this years addition is the best ever. In addition to its usual breadth of subjects our index alw
Today as the u. S. Military mission in afghanistan and the implications to the Peace Process on u. S. Involvement. We are doing this hearing both with some members present and some members remote. We also have two of our witnesses that will be remote. So we are its the first time weve bee back for a full comttee meeting, House Armed Services mmittee since the covid outbreak so i urge all of you participating and watching be patient as we work out the bugs and give everybody the chance to say what they need to say and run the committee in an orderly fashion. Before we start the basic rules and outline of how were doing the hearing. And i welcome those joining us remotely and those members are reminded they must be visible onscreen within the Software Platform, joining the establi established meeting and remaining a quorum and they must use the video platform during the proceeding unless they experience connectivity prlem. If a perso remotely have issues, the staff will help you get reco