Abhinav Bindra has urged the sports ecosystem to humanize athletes and not expect them to perform like robots. India's first individual gold medallist at the Olympic Games was speaking to sports psychologists in a virtual session at the Dr .
A panel led by legendary shooter Abhinav Bindra and the Indian team's high-performance director (HPD) Pierre Beauchamp, addressed participants on the opening day of a five-day workshop and certification programme, focusing on the critical role .
A panel led by legendary shooter Abhinav Bindra and the Indian team's high-performance director (HPD) Pierre Beauchamp, addressed participants on the opening day of a five-day workshop and certification programme, focusing on the critical role .
A five-day certification program focusing on the critical role of Sports Psychologists in the lives of shooting athletes, is scheduled from May 20 to 24 at the Sports Authority of India Karni Singh Shooting Ranges here.The program shall be .
Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra on Monday was the keynote speaker of the National Centre for Sports Science and Research (NCSSR) session on "Olympic Gold In Athletics - A Billion Dream Fulfilled And My Journey", where he not only .