India s National Statistical Commission is back to full capacity with the appointment of two new members after a one-year gap. A Ganesh Kumar and Debasis Kundu have been appointed, bringing the panel s strength to five, including the chairman. The commission, set up in 2005, aims to strengthen the statistical system, suggest survey standards, and coordinate with other departments. The appointments come amidst calls for reforming the country s statistics system, with the Prime Minister s Office discussing overhauling measures earlier this year.
Exclusive for Subscribers from Monday to Friday: Why Citizens, Aliens and Citizenship (Amendment) Act, (CAA) rules relevant to the UPSC Exam? What significance do topics like ballistic missile, India’s missile technology and Implications of the HCES 2022-23 for the Consumer Price Index have for both the preliminary and main exams? You can learn more by reading the Indian Express UPSC Key for March 12, 2024.