Pizza in Italy, sushi in Japan and pho in Vietnam. Food is closely aligned to the identity and heritage of a place and strongly influences the decisions of travellers who use it connect to the culture of a destination.
Fifteen leaders from across WPP (NYSE: WPP) have been named in the global Empower Role Model Lists 2022 for breaking down barriers and driving inclusion for people of colour in business. The lists
Bapna, Chief Culture Officer, WPP India is named in the list of Top 100 Executives leading by example and removing barriers on the path to success for ethnically diverse employees
Updated: 2:32 PM EST Feb 4, 2021
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Show Transcript my legislative plan this year is all about removing and eliminating barriers for Pennsylvanians. It s about fixing problems that hold people back at every age all across the commonwealth and making it easier for Pennsylvania s to build better lives for themselves, for their families and for their communities on. That s why fully and fairly funding every public school in the state is the cornerstone of my plan. Every child in Pennsylvania deserves the head start in life that a high quality education provides. But chronic underfunding has deprived many of our school district of the resource resource is they need for their students to get the training and education we need them to get. In the six years since I took office, we have secured $1.4 billion in education funding. That includes nearly 800 million for basic education, $140 million for special education and $40 million for career and technical edu