by the standards of cnn s debate, 24 million, a lot fewer people tuned in for this one. maybe it was because the world series was on. maybe it was because it was so chaotic that people didn t want to watch it nearly as long. there was that sort of nasty overtone. there was a lot of barb going back and forth. when you hear the audience booing the moderators. part of me is sympathetic to the moderators. i think jake tapper, anderson cooper, megyn kelly, these guys have made it look easy. it s a very difficult job. the moderators were not well prepared enough. the producers were not well prepared enough. cnbc is going pretty red-faced now. there were a couple things said by those on the stage that weren t particularly well thought out or prepared either. i m going to point out what ted cruz said with regard to how the media s been treating the republican candidates. have a look at this. the questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the american people don