Realme India on Wednesday announced the launch of two new 5G smartphones in India Narzo 50 Pro 5G and Narzo 50 5G. Both the devices are coming in Hyper Blue and Hyper Black color options. Narzo 50 Pro 5G is coming two storage variants 6GB + 128GB, priced at Rs 21,999 and 8GB + 128GB priced at Rs 23,999. On the other hand, Narzo 50 5G will be coming in three storage variants 4GB+64GB, priced at Rs 15,999, 4GB+128GB , priced at Rs 16,999 and 6GB+128GB priced at Rs 17,999. Get more Technology News and Business News on Zee Business.
Realme will officially launch the Narzo 50 5G Series in India on May 18, 2022. The company has been teasing the Narzo 50 Series on its Twitter account. 📲 Realme Narzo 50 5G Series Launch Set for May 18, 2022; Narzo 50 Pro Reportedly Listed on Geekbench.