Read more about Court junks order to release seized O2 concentrators for use by police on Business Standard. A Sessions Court in Delhi has set aside a magistrate Court order that directed to put to use seized 12 oxygen concentrators either by Delhi Police Officials and the Judicial Officers
Principal District and Sessions Judge Narottam Kaushal passed the order on a petition filed by the Delhi government seeking revision of an order passed by a magisterial court
Delhi court sets aside order directing to use seized oxygen concentrators for cops, judicial officers ANI | Updated: May 09, 2021 00:31 IST
New Delhi [India], May 9 (ANI): A Sessions Court in Delhi on Saturday has set aside a magistrate Court order that directed to put to use seized 12 oxygen concentrators either by Delhi Police Officials and the Judicial Officers and their families.
Dwarka court s Principal District and Sessions Judge (South West Delhi) Narottam Kaushal set aside the order dated May 5 passed by the Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) and observed that MM in his zeal to provide life-saving machines to front line workers , was so dazzled that he forgot that a judge has to act and behave like a self-less, dispassionate saint.