The Delhi High Court granted the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) two weeks to file its answer to a petition challenging the Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2023. After the UPSC counsel raised concerns about the petitions maintainability and requested time to prepare a thorough response, Justice Chandra Dhari Singh scheduled a hearing three weeks later.
The plea also challenged the press note issued by the UPSC on June 12 declaring the results of the preliminary examination, and sought direction to the commission to publish the answer key with immediate effect
The Delhi High Court on Monday asked Union Public Service Commission to file its preliminary objections on a plea moved by various civil services aspirants challenging the Union Public Services.
The Delhi High Court on Monday asked the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to file its preliminary objections on a plea filed by 17 civil services aspirants seeking the cancellation of the prelims and re-conducting it with general studies .
UPSC CSE IAS Prelims Result 2023: The Delhi High Court (HC) will hear a plea challenging the preliminary examination of the Civil Services Examination, 2023 conducted by the Union Public Service Commi - UPSC CSE Prelims Result 2023: Delhi High Court to Hear Plea Challenging Civil Services Prelims Exam Tomorrow