Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Independent candidate Nirmal Chaudhary was elected as the president of the Rajasthan University Students Union in Jaipur on Saturday, defeating his nearest rival Niharika Jorwal, another independent candidate, with a margin of over 1,400 votes. India News | Independent Candidate Nirmal Chaudhary Elected as President of Rajasthan University Students Union.
Nirmal Chaudhary, an independent candidate and NSUI rebel, was on Saturday elected as the president of Rajasthan University in the student union polls held on Friday.
The results of the student union elections for Rajasthan University were announced on Saturday, in which the NSUI, backed by the Congress, has drawn a blank while the BJP-backed ABVP has won five seats, with the SFI winning two seats and others .
ABVP candidate Narendra Yadav told reporters that police targeted him and his supporters just because the government wants to defeat the ABVP in students union elections.
, June 13 (IANS) A major accident was averted on Monday and a trainee pilot had a narrow escape when his light aircraft crash-landed in Amethi, causing damage to its fuselage.The pilot, identified as Abhay Patel, was flying a training-aircraft .