Usman Gani was held days after criticising PM's poll speech referring to Muslims, colleagues say “hard-working” leader was known to everyone, was hands-on during recent polls
Former MLA JP Chandelia said workers were being insulted in Congress. “In the coming days, many Congress workers will join the BJP in Pilani,” he said.
The party has effected a generational change in leadership in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Whether it does so in Rajasthan too will be apparent by evening, when the BJP Legislature Party meets to choose the state’s new chief minister.
The new House has 20 women MLAs or 10% of total with 9 each from BJP and Congress, and 1 Independent. Since 2008, the number of women MLAs has dropped in every election
Congress plans to hit the streets over ERCP not being declared national project, BJP hits back saying ruling party has not finished drinking water projects promised in the region