What is the real-time translation AI tool 'Bhashini'? Technology has been picking up pace. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited Varanasi and inaugurated the Kashi Tamil Sangamam 2.0 at Namo Ghat in Kashi. He even flagged off the Kashi Tamil Sangamam Express between Kanyakumari and Varanasi. However, the technology made headlines as during PM Narendra Modi's speech at Kashi Tamil Sangamam, a new experiment was tried as a new real-time AI-based translation tool called ‘Bhashini’ was used for those who understood Tamil language.
Data suggests that areas in eastern Uttar Pradesh, especially PM Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency of Varanasi, had 60% excess deaths during the pandemic relative to 2019.
Last Updated: गुरुवार, 15 जुलाई 2021 (14:37 IST) Refresh 02:37PM, 15th Jul -चाहे Strategic एरिया हो या Economic एरिया, जापान आज भारत के सबसे विश्वसनीय दोस्तों में से एक है। हमारी दोस्ती को इस पूरे क्षेत्र की सबसे Natural partnerships में से एक माना जाता है। -भारत और जापान की सोच है कि हमारा विकास हमारे उल्लास के साथ जुड़ा होना चाहिए। ये विकास सर्वमुखी होना चाहिए, सबके लिए होना चाहिए, और सबको जोड़ने वाला होना चाहिए। 02:18PM, 15th Jul -