Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Telangana to lay the foundation stone for infrastructure projects worth ₹6,100 crore. This visit is crucial for the BJP ahead of the upcoming state assembly elections in six months.
Narendra Modi To Set Stone For Mega Textile Park: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to visit Telangana on July 8th to lay a foundation stone for a mega textile park in Warangal and for a railway periodic overhauling unit in Kazipet.
Modi Calls New Parliament, The Temple Of Democracy: Amid high security prime minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the parliament. Thousands of policemen, closed Delhi metro lines and layers of barricades around the new parliament. Delhi was literally on high alert.
Prime Minister Modi had lashed out at the Congress for wearing black clothing on August 5 in a protest against price rise, saying those who believe in "kala jadu" will never be able to win the trust of the people again.