HYDERABAD: Andhra Pradesh Advocate General Ponnavolu Sudhakar Reddy filed a petition in Chittoor court to cancel the bail granted to Narayana Educational Institutions Chairperson P Narayana on Friday. Former Minister and TDP leader P Narayana was granted bail by a local court in Chittoor on May 11, hours after he was arrested by the Chittoor Police at his residence in
AMARAVATI: Affirming that the Government is determined to crackdown on the mafia behind mass copying and malpractices, Government Advisor (Public Affairs) Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy said that they will explore all options including moving High Court on the issue. Speaking to the media here on Wednesday, he said that the issue pertains to the future of millions of students and
New Delhi: Narayana students have once again maintained supremacy in JEE Main results (July, 2021) with 6 students securing 100 percentiles. Dr. P. Sindhura Narayana, Managing Director and Ms. Sharani, Director of Narayana Group informed media perso