Sankar Ghosh, one of the five BJP MLAs suspended from the West Bengal Assembly, on Tuesday stated that he had no regrets for being suspended as he would continue to raise his voice for the people against the alleged misrule of Trinamool Congres (TMC) government.
Roopa Ganguly of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said on Monday that the Trinamool Congress-led West Bengal State administration is not ready for debates on the Birbhum violence in the state legislature.
Five BJP MLAs, including Leader of Opposition Suvendu Adhikari, were suspended by West Bengal Assembly Speaker Biman Bandyopadhyay on Monday for their alleged unruly conduct in the House.
Five BJP MLAs, including Leader of the Opposition Suvendu Adhikari, were suspended after a scuffle broke out between TMC and BJP MLAs in the West Bengal Assembly on Monday.