"This is a pivotal milestone in our journey towards equitable healthcare provision in Santa Cruz. As we welcome our inaugural class of residents we stand committed to addressing health disparities and serving our diverse community," said Dominican Hospital President and CEO Nanette Mickiewicz.
Marc Yellin stood proudly at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Dominican Hospital's new emergency department more than 30 years ago, his equally shiny and new 3-day-old daughter Rachelle swaddled under his suit jacket.
"As we begin 2024, the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life remains a crucial goal for many, but research shows that 80 percent of people are not actively working toward their New Year’s resolutions as early as February," writes Dr. Nanette Mickiewicz, president of Dignity Health Dominican Hospital, in a Guest Commentary. "It is important that we reevaluate ways to live a healthier life through our lifestyle choices, exercise, and preventive care that can last all year long."