The Delhi High Court on Monday turned down a plea against the appointment of Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Dev as State Election Commissioner for conducting the municipal elections in the national capital.A bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi .
The Delhi High Court on Wednesday issued notice to the city government over a petition challenging the appointment of Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Dev as Election Commissioner from April 21, 2022.The bench of Chief Justice D.N. Patel and .
A petition challenging the appointment order of Delhi Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Dev as Election Commissioner of Delhi from April 21, 2022, has been listed to hear in the High Court on December 15.The bench presided over by Chief Justice DN .
The petition filed by three term BJP MLA Nand Kishor Garg argued that because of lack of infrastructure and medical professionals in government hospital people are being sent to private hospital for prompt treatment.