people who are buying insurance on their own, and these are where you have all the problems, this is where you have all the problems, all those plans that you mentioned that don t cover things. when you can buy a plan on the individual market, it might be really cheap, but it won t cover maternity it won t cover mental health, it will have huge deductibles it won t cover prescription drugs. and basically, the law says, look, we want to set a standard, a minimum standard that all plans must meet these, you know, must provide these things. and if there are plans out there that don t, you know, insurance companies are going to have to come up with something new. now, that means that the people who have those plans now eventually are going to have to give them up. that is what we re seeing. it is that very small number of americans who have to give up those plans. nancy, the individual market was kind of a wild west before this bill, right? i mean, as someone at consumer reports, have
hospitalization, not covering doctor visits, not covering x-rays. it s just been horrendous, and it s been very difficult for people to navigate. the affordable care act is going to change that. you re not going to be able to buy a junk plan anymore. they re against the law. do you think that s a good thing? absolutely, because it s doing for people on the individual market what big, huge human resources departments have been doing for years for people who get insurance through their jobs. so, the employer-provided health care, the people who are negotiating these big, bulk contracts, they also put in minimum standards into those big contracts when you get employer-provided? yes, absolutely. dr. sharma, you re now active in health care provider in maryland that s setting up this exchange, and the other thing besides plans getting canceled is the idea of rates going up. we are hearing any time there is an american out there, looks
where you have all the problems, this is where you have all the problems, all those plans that you mentioned that don t cover things. when you can buy a plan on the individual market, it might be really cheap, but it won t cover maternity it won t cover mental health, it will have huge deductibles, it won t cover prescription drugs. and basically, the law says, look, we want to set a standard, a minimum standard that all plans must meet these, you know, must provide these things. and if there are plans out there that don t, you know, insurance companies are going to have to come up with something new. now, that means that the people who have those plans now eventually are going to have to give them up. that is what we re seeing. it is that very small number of americans who have to give up those plans. nancy, the individual market was kind of a wild west before this bill, right? i mean, as someone at consumer reports, have you interacted with the individual market? extensively, a
0 made a big deal of making friends with hillary clinton earlier in his days in the senate. then he switched course on benghazi and basically accused her of having blood on his hands, and what changed there? why is he playing politics with national security is the primary challenge he has from the tea party. the tea party challenger referred to him as a community organizer for the muslim brotherhood. and the truth is, and we try to get to facts in the book wait a second, he actually called him the community organizer for the muslim brotherhood? that s right, so this is posturing. there are benghazi truthers at all levels of the republican party, starting with dick cheney, who went on talk radio last week and lied about secretary clinton s role in this to the nut who heckled her last week. so, lindsey graham is looking at the benghazi truthers who are primary voters in south carolina. and the fact is, the people he wants to hear from, chris, they were interviewed by the fbi, they
0 party. the tea party challenger referred to him as a community organizers for the muslim brotherhood. and the truth is, and we try to get to facts in the book wait a second, he actually called him the community organizer for the muslim brotherhood? that s right, so this is posturing. there are benghazi truthers at all levels of the republican party, starting with dick cheney, who went on talk radio last week and lied about secretary clinton s role in this to the nut who heckled her last week. so, lindsey graham is looking at the benghazi truthers who are primary voters in south carolina. and the fact is, the people he wants to hear from, chris, they were interviewed by the fbi, they were interviewed by the state department accountability review board. those transcripts are available to the senate. and lindsey graham even met with some of them. so, this is like your 16th hoax. there was a report. i think part of the reason why lindsey graham timed this announcement to this mor