unwilling to put up with a messy divorce. before she killed him, prosecutors said, nancy kissel had trolled the internet researching drugs to poison her husband. right from the start they say it was a cold-blooded killing, simple as that. prosecutors laid out the last hours of rob kissel in grisly detail. they said nancy knew her husband was about to ask for a divorce, so she launched a preemptive strike. she blended a pharmacy of drugs into a pink colored milkshake, gave it to one of her daughters to serve to daddy. this is known as date rape drug. right. is that what we re talking about? knocks you out, can t remember details. exactly. prosecutors said hours after drinking the shake, rob got into his pajamas, staggered toward his bed and collapsed, unconscious. then nancy pounced, a leaden
it seemed at the time a cute gesture, but not that significant. he had to have had so much on his mind that afternoon, the impending divorce, the possible loss of his children, and on top of it all, a critical conference call at home later that evening. it was so important that a colleague phoned him to talk about strategy for the meeting. hong kong reporter albert wong says the colleague thought rob sounded like he was on another planet. it was bizarre. groggy, out of it, not making sense? exactly. maybe stress was finally taking its toll on rob kissel. or maybe something else was afoot. maybe the goblins of halloween had one more trick to play. coming up. did a wife s secret recipe milkshake lead to another secret hidden in the basement. as soon as they opened the door, they knew there was a dead body in there. when deadly concoction continues. do you read in bed? do you read out loud or in your head?
when kissel missed the conference call that night and was a no-show at the office the next day, the friend called nancy kissel. she told him she and rob were dealing with family issues. but as days passed, the friend suspected something more sinister at play, and filed a missing person s report. police inspectors later knocked on mrs. kissel s door. she let them in and explained her husband had walked out on her after a fight. they didn t suspect anything until they go into the bedroom. and he says then that it is a gut feeling just from experience. meanwhile, another team of inspectors was investigating reports of a strange smell coming from the kissel storage unit. the police eventually asked mrs. kissel for the keys. after some hesitation, she handed them over. as soon as they got to the door, the smell was so overwhelming, they knew straight away there was a dead body in there. they found the missing husband? right.
weight for a woman of that height. debra mao has been following the latest chapter in the kissel saga. her hair used to be blonde, now she s a brunette. didn t used to wear glasses, now almost never seen without glasses. it may be hard for many people to sympathize. after all, nancy kissel admitted killing the man she once loved. and yet she and her supporters believe her 2005 trial condemned her to life in a 7 x 7 foot chinese cell had been unfair. primarily because of hearsay evidence they thought had been introduced, greatly prejudiced jurors against nancy kissel. then last year, something remarkable happened. hong kong s court of final appeal agreed with nancy kissel. the justices overturned her conviction to the delight of family and friends. i think justice has been served. and the justices ordered a
actually see myself pummeling him to death, enjoying the ensags of each and every shot. michael was the court-appointed lawyer for rob and nancy s children. there is no question there was a lot of anger. divorcees are bad. certainly if it s your own children and you re getting divorced, it s a bad situation. in this case, these children didn t have to be in the situation. they could have been in a much more stable environment. there was a pattern of behavior there that clearly indicated a very stressful home, and that clearly indicated i think to any reasoned person that the interest of the children weren t served by being in that home. andrew s sister jane agreed. she petitioned for and was granted custody of the three children. she went so far as to make andrew and hayley s feud a matter of public record. andrew in retaliation left a message on his sister s answering machine. jane, it is your ex-brother, you re famous, on the front page of the new york times.