Evergreen actor Afzal Hossain turned 69 today. In his illustrious career, he has been honoured with numerous awards, including the Ekushey Padak. “Parle Na Rumki”, “Kul Nai Kinar Nai”, “Rokte Angurlota, Bohubrihi”, are just a few of the timeless projects featuring the actor during his stint on the small screen.
Masud Ali Khan is a beloved name in the television industry. Yesterday, the 93-year-old actor was felicitated with the Khaled Khan award at the Aly Zaker Notuner Utshab, which took place yesterday.
Renowned actors Afzal Hossain and Asaduzzaman Noor shared the screen together in the drama, “Kul Nai Kinar Nai”, which aired on BTV in the eighties. Although the talented actors have appeared together in many dramas over the years, “Kul Nai Kinar Nai” was the most popular among audiences. On the birthday of the noted actor Asaduzzaman Noor, Afzal Hossain spoke to The Daily