The Naga Civil Society under the aegis of much respected Nagaland Gaon Burrah Federation (NGBF) of village elders has now taken the much delayed peace talks process to the next level, and formed an Action Committee to materialise the solution .
Two days after N Kitovi Zhimomi-led NNPG got a morale booster as Arunachal Pradesh-based Naga organizations backed it in the ongoing peace parleys process
Two days after N. Kitovi Zhimomi-led NNPG got a morale booster as Arunachal Pradesh-based Naga organisations backed it in the ongoing peace parleys process, on Tuesday the Zeliangrong Naga organisations of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland have .
New Delhi: In a crucial development and as a booster towards an early solution and final peace pact to the Naga issue, the pro-Solution group, NNPG, got