Sreedevi Menon, popularly known as Viber Good Devu was one of the powerhouses of Bigg Boss Malayalam season 5. Finally, Devu has bid farewell to the Bigg Boss house. Meanwhile, Devus interview before going to Bigg Boss is being discussed on social media. In an interview with Variety Media, Devu shared a bad experience she had.
Akhil Marar is one of the strongest contestants in Bigg Boss season five. Akhil said that he beats his wife, which has become a big controversy in recent days. His wife, Lakshmi herself, came forward against it.
Omar Lulu, who came as a wild card entry in the Bigg Boss Malayalam house, had an argument with Maneesha in the kitchen area amid complaints that he was not doing any of the housework.
Gopika Gopi was the one who came to Bigg Boss Malayalam season 5 as a commoner contestant. Gopika entered Bigg Boss as an ordinary girl and came out as a star. Gopika was able to stay on Bigg Boss for only three weeks. Now Gopika is responding to the campaign that she is being paid a lot of money for interviews after her exit from the show.