Another weekly task of Bigg Boss Malayalam season five has been completed. The name of the task was Manikyakallu. Akhil and his team succeeded in the task with great skill and a game plan. A team consisted of Akhil, Shiju, Vishnu, Midhun, Lechu, and Maneesha.
Bigg Boss presented a weekly task called Manikyakallu to the contestants. This is an individual game in which a stone placed in the garden area must be acquired by tricking others without making them know it has been taken.
In Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 5 the next nomination list for voting has been prepared. As Gopika was eliminated previously, the contestants were relieved for the time being, but by then the next nomination arrived.
Akhil Marar is a Bigg Boss Malayalam season 5 contestant who is regularly criticized for his controversial statements. Akhil has had to apologize several times for his wrong remarks. Now even Akhil Marars talk with Shobha is being discussed. Akhil Marar says that he has beaten his wife. Akhil Marar also says that all women in the world have the same story.
Yesterdays hot topic in Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 5 was a verbal spat over a remark made by Shiju in the kitchen area. Many contestants have expressed their views on the matter. This led to an argument between Cerena and Reneesha, who were previously close friends.