بقلم مهدي قاسم
امتدادا لمقالتي السابقة والمعنونة ب ” في العراق بإمكان الشخص أن يكون ” رئيسا ” لأي شيء !!..والمنشورة حاليا على صفحتي في الفيس ، و التي تناولت من خلالها ظاهرة إطلاق ألقاب و درجات علمية وأدبية ومهنية ــ طبعا بلا طائل أو حاصل أو فاصل ــ بل أنها ألقاب رنانة و طنانة و مبهرجة ، تُطلق بشكل عشوائي و اعتباطي، وقد أثار انتباهي تعقيب طريف و ملفت إلى وجود ظاهرة ألقاب أخرى ، ذات مسحة دينية ومذهبية ، اُستجدّت أو ابُتدعت في العراق بعد ” تغيير ” النظام السياسي مثلما أورده الصديق المُعلِق من قبيل :
ــ ” الحاج والسيد وخادم الحسين والزاير أمام ”
و �
group nabu commission to study and found something astonishing although there are pollutants like heavy metals and kerosene residue the sights are ecologically important. let s finance was another situation in these areas is unique the exercises create a patchwork environment there are temporary changes what we ecologists call disturbances in areas where soil is removed there are pioneers sites where rare plants can grow as well as animal species you can t find in the regular landscape. destruction by tanks and artillery creates new ecological niches says army ecologist wilfried korten. pons foreman tank trails and bomb craters where frogs and mutes can spawn. the damage we see here from tank trucks you only see this in military training areas is especially important for nature conservation this is not static environmental protection
glen s hansen is in charge of the group he says and tracks but he says tracks left by penguins are hard to find in the bush over the course of many years observing animals in the wild he and his colleagues have only ever seen one penguin if you look at the bottom of it they ve got a very similar to an elephant so it s like very soft and got lines in it and you walk on the back feet so most of the time to find the sign of the penguin is when it s walking the tail will leave marks in the road like this as a hit and guys around and it s extremely difficult to see this one. thompson and his team have repeatedly confiscated illegal goods and large animals they ve also arrested a number of poachers although they ve probably cause only a fraction of the criminal gangs that operate here. the rangers are dependent on tips from local residents so we ll get information that someone in the village
efficient enough to find their own food and find their own territory. a team of rangers is dedicated specifically to tracking down the poachers glen thompson is in charge of the group he says and tracks but he says tracks left by penguins are hard to find in the bush over the course of many years observing animals in the wild he and his colleagues have only ever seen one penguin if you look at the bottom of it they ve got a very similar to an elephant so it s like very soft lines in it and we walk on the back feet so most of the time to find the sign of the spank them is when it s walking the tail will leave marks in the road like this as a team and goes on and it s extremely difficult to see this work. thompson and his team have repeatedly confiscated illegal goods and large animals they ve also arrested a number of poaches although they ve probably cause only
germany has 1400 square kilometers of land for military drills the environmental group nabu commission to study and found something astonishing although there are pollutants like heavy metals and kerosene residue the sights are ecologically important. the home of didn t let some of those on earth situation in these areas is unique the exercises create a patchwork environment there are temporary changes what we ecologists call disturbances in areas where soil is removed there are pioneer sites where rare plants can grow as well as animal species you can t find in the regular landscape. destruction by tanks and artillery creates new ecological niches says army ecologist wilfried korten pons foreman tank trails and bomb craters where frogs and newts can spawn. it s extraordinary the damage we see