The Economic Offences Wing of the Delhi Police questioned Nayati Healthcare chairperson Niira Radia for nearly four hours in connection with an alleged Rs 300-crore loan embezzlement case, officials said on Sunday.
The Economic Offences Wing of the Delhi Police questioned Nayati Healthcare chairperson Niira Radia for nearly four hours in connection with an alleged Rs 300-crore loan embezzlement case, officials said on Sunday. A senior police officer said Radia joined the investigation on October 27 at the office of the Economic Offences Wing.
Delhi Police's Economic Offences Wing has summoned corporate lobbyist Niira Radia in connection with a cheating case involving a loan of Rs 300 crore from Yes Bank.
The Delhi Police Economic Offences Wing has served a notice to Niira Radia and other promoters and directors of Nayati Healthcare and research NCR Pvt Ltd to join probe in connection with alleged embezzlement of over Rs 300 crore of bank loan.
The Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police has arrested three persons for allegedly siphoning off more than Rs 300 crores which they had taken as a loan from Ye