China pneumonia outbreak: Is this some new disease? Who is affected? Why the outbreak now? Most importantly, do you need to be worried?
Pneumonia is a respiratory illness that affects the lungs. In the view of mysterious spread in China, here is all you need to know to keep your kids safe. - Mysterious Respiratory Outbreak in China: 5 Symptoms of Pneumonia in Kids
Mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China has led to rise in hospitalisations in the country and is being attributed to the immunity debt created by lockdowns. | Health
Respiratory expert Wang Guangfa explained that there has been a decrease in antibodies due to the protective precautions taken in the last three years due to COVID-19 outbreak.
Respiratory illness breakout in China: The ministry said that there is low risk to India both from the H9N2 avian influenza case as well as the clusters of respiratory illness in China.