puts new territorial realities, as he puts it. new territorial realities, as he puts it. in new territorial realities, as he puts it, in other words unless ukraine puts it, in other words unless ukraine accepts the territory of russia ukraine accepts the territory of russia took by force it will not go to diplomacy. fits russia took by force it will not go to diplomacy- to diplomacy. as it is i sit in my open regards to diplomacy. as it is i sit in my open regards. we to diplomacy. as it is i sit in my open regards. we should - to diplomacy. as it is i sit in my open regards. we should never| to diplomacy. as it is i sit in my - open regards. we should never lose silht open regards. we should never lose sight with open regards. we should never lose sight with the open regards. we should never lose sight with the fact open regards. we should never lose sight with the fact that open regards. we should never lose sight with the fact that the - open regards. we shoul