Defining your artist brand An easy step-by-step guide
For an artist, defining and then communicating your personal brand to an audience is key to the development of your career. Here, Dayna Young walks us through an easy step-by-step guide on how to effectively define your personal artist brand.
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This post comes from Dayna Young, the Founder of Fred & Augustus with 15+ years of global experience in music and entertainment. In this article, she explains how building an artist brand can be compared to a 4D chess match. Why? Building a brand involves many moving parts. There’s your audience, your aesthetic, social and streaming algorithms (which impact how your brand performs), your brand’s relationship with other brands and artists, and how it performs in relation to the real world. Sound complex? It can be. Here’s her step-by-step guide to help you out.
Using content pillars to define your artist brand
For those bands and artists looking to better define their brand, strategic marketing expert Dayna Young here breaks down how content pillars can be used to do precisely this.
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Looking to better define your brand as an artist? Dayna Young, the Founder of Fred & Augustus and strategic marketing expert breaks down how “content pillars” can do just that…
How to Use Content Pillars to Define Your Artist Brand
What is a Content Pillar?
Content pillars are 3-5 topics your brand will consistently discuss, amplify and create content for on social media. As a key marketing tool, they act to help define your brand to your fans
What musicians should learn from entrepreneurs
In this piece, David Andrew Wiebe explains why artists need to recognize that they themselves are running a small business, and how the rules of entrepreneurship can help guide them to success.
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David Andrew Wiebe of the Symphonic Blog
This guest post was written by David Andrew Wiebe, the founder and CEO of Music Entrepreneur HQ, host of The New Music Industry Podcast, and best-selling author of The Music Entrepreneur Code.
Can Artists Really Learn Anything from Entrepreneurs?
The truth is, artists can’t learn anything from entrepreneurs… Why? They
are entrepreneurs. A lot of them just haven’t recognized themselves as such. However, I’ve been exploring the connection between music and entrepreneurship for nine long years. Whether you call it “musicpreneurship”, “artist entrepreneurship”, “music entrepreneurship”, or otherwise, we’re fundamentally talking about the same thing.
7 Things Musicians Ought To Be Investing Money In
Like with running any small time business, being a musician full time means you need to be smart about where you sink your money. Here, we look at seven of the most important things every artist should be investing their money in.
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Your music is your business, and every great business owner invests in their craft. To make music a full-time gig, artists need to take advantage of every revenue stream available. Learning to make smart investments will not only help you secure a stable income, but also increase your chances of making it in this industry and give you more time to focus on what really matters… making great music.