"Art in the Third Reich: Seduction & Distraction" explores the prejudices and preferences of Adolf Hitler as curator of Germany's artistic styles, movem…
Keynote speaker Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons will cap off three days of scholarly presentations and discussions as part of the Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium.
Museum Arnhem is opening an exhibition next week with 90 works created by German artists between 1933 and 1945 during the Nazi regime. The works involve paintings and some sculptures. According to a spokesperson, they include paintings that Adolf Hitler himself had hanging on the wall somewhere, such as "The Four Elements" by Adolf Ziegler, which adorned the Führerbau in Munich.
Completed in 2022 in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Images by Jannes Linders. Benthem Crouwel Architects designed the plan for the new Museum Arnhem at a prominent location on a green moraine in the city of Arnhem, The.
October 4, 2023 | Join us for an online conversation with artists Wendy Red Star, Marianne Nicolson, and Koyoltzintli to discuss themes and approaches to indigenous visual sovereignty in reclaiming cultural identity.