Really complicated issue and on the other hand at its very core is somewhat simple. Whether its online or offline, bullying and harassment or as the teens that we encounter at Common Sense Media often say, drama, its about power. As you heard the boy on the video say, im the big dog. Who has it, who wants it and who wants to keep it. I realize this is an incredibly simple definition so i will leave it to our panel to pick it apart and to delve deeper. Each of our panelists will have the opportunity to give a brief introduction of who they are and their organizations and after weve done the rounds i will pose a series of questions to eefrp of they will and then you will all have the opportunity to interact with them yourselves so we can have a really dynamic conversation. The one thing i will say before introducing our first panelists is we are going to try to keep all these introductions brief so i will give my friendly reminder to the panel, i dont have a buzz button or anything, and
Really complicated issue and on the other hand at its very core is somewhat simple. Whether its online or offline, bullying and harassment or as the teens that we encounter at Common Sense Media often say, drama, its about power. As you heard the boy on the video say, im the big dog. Who has it, who wants it and who wants to keep it. I realize this is an incredibly simple definition so i will leave it to our panel to pick it apart and to delve deeper. Each of our panelists will have the opportunity to give a brief introduction of who they are and their organizations and after weve done the rounds i will pose a series of questions to eefrp of they will and then you will all have the opportunity to interact with them yourselves so we can have a really dynamic conversation. The one thing i will say before introducing our first panelists is we are going to try to keep all these introductions brief so i will give my friendly reminder to the panel, i dont have a buzz button or anything, and
We witness bullying. All of us are humbled by the virus, how systemic its become. How do you get your hands around that . For me its top down and bottom up. We are Authority Figures and what we do for our children and thats care, but we need to empower them to become the leaders they are waiting to become. This notion of Youth Adult Partnership is esoteric in its term but on the ground how do you operationalize it, those things in the Public School who are working so hard to meet the required mandates. Schools are driven by mandates, academic achievement, achievement, enrollment. But the conditions in which the virus grows, if you follow the metaphor that bullying is a systemic virus, then the environment has to change so the virus cannot grow and the only way the environment changes is if youth and adults begin to speak with one voice about changing the social norms that allows it to happen. It makes sense to most of us, you have it khaifrpb the social norms. We must educate. But we m
One reach one, we have trained over 40 kids in the first year, a couple hundred young people at each school and they intervene at a minimum of two times a week. When you have the leaders of different cliques beginning to raise their voices, raise their courage because they are always bystanders, we are beginning to change social norms that makes it cool to be cruel and makes it more likely for kids to be cruel to be kind. Thats the job we have to do more than anything else and it will take our courage and their courage to make that happen. The good news is we have done Research Studies and we have evidence, as we move the slides forward and you have it if you go to our web site, that it works. When you begin to create a social Tipping Point by educating young people to raise their voice and giving them a tool so they feel more competent to do it, they will naturally do it. It is their nature. As they do it, other kids, positive social peer influence, do it. We change the norms in our s
The virus cannot grow and the only way the environment changes is if youth and adults begin to speak with one voice about changing the social norms that allows it to happen. It makes sense to most of us, you have it khaifrpb the social norms. We must educate. But we must go beyond thinking more rigor will get us better achievement. We have to remember a school is a community and in a xhuept, people look out for each other. Theyve got each others back. How do we begin to promote that idea that we are in this thing together . We believe its through, unfortunately but truly, selfinterest. Kids are driven developmentally by the desire to fit in, to belong, to be part of an affinity group. If we can capitalize on their desire to look out for their friends and give them some more tools and opportunities and support, they will begin to do what we need them to do to at least confront it in their own small cell of social influence and the compounding and leveraging of that begins to make change