The Haryana Police has blocked 20,545 mobile numbers issued on fake and forged documents, officials said on Thursday. Most of the blocked SIM cards were issued in Andhra Pradesh, followed by West Bengal and Delhi, among others, a police spokesperson said. Haryana Police Blocks Over 20,000 Mobile Numbers Issued on Fake Documents.
"There appears to be connivance of point of sale (PoS) i.e. mobile SIM sellers, especially those whose contribution of fake SIMs in a group is abnormally high, in issuing the suspected fake SIMs," said a top DoT official. 📰 Fake Sim Cards: DoT Deactivates 30,000 Illegal Mobile SIMs in Mumbai Issued on Forged Documents.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday congratulated the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its massive win in the Uttar Pradesh urban local body polls, lauding Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath s leadership. India News | PM Modi Congratulates BJP Workers, Candidates for Sweeping Municipal Polls in UP, Lauds CM Yogi.