This is bbc news. A new chapter in the economic History Of The Uk the promise we will hear shortly from Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Should Labourfor Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, should labour for the Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Should Labourfor the next should labour for the next government. Should labourfor the next government. Rachel reeves addressing business and finance leaders in the city of london. We are expecting her speech to start very shortly and we will of course be keeping across the and bring it to you as soon as possible she appears. She is delivering the annual Mais Lecture Following in the footsteps of previous chancellors and Shadow Chancellors and bank governors. Rachel reeves will promise to reform the treasury as part of a possible labour governments Economic Policy. She will say, i remain an optimist about our ability to rise to the challenges we face. The conservatives suggested labour had no plan just more borrowing and more taxes. The speech comes
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During the past four years, Democratic state attorneys general filed a record number of lawsuits against the Trump administration’s executive orders. [1] Now as the Biden administration takes office, and with the shoe on the other foot, a coalition of six Republican state attorneys general come committed to use “all available means to combat potential federal overreach.” If the partisan divide remains in Congress, as foreshadowed by the current COVID-relief legislation, President Biden’s supporters will urge him to follow the lead of Presidents Obama and Trump and pass landmark policies through executive orders and federal agency regulations. If President Biden takes this road more traveled, we expect even more of the 26 Republican attorneys general to coalesce and file actions to halt such policies. [2]