UBI Recruitment 2021: The Union Bank of India (UBI) has begun accepting online applications for ‘Specialist Officers' positions. Registration for the event opened on August 12 and will conclude on September 3, 2021.
Delhi had earlier declared Muharram holiday on August 19 (Thursday), but changed it to Friday following a Union government's decision in this connection
Miscellenous India News in Hindi: Muharram 2021: पैग़म्बर हज़रत मुहम्मद साहब के नवासे हज़रत इमाम हुसैन कर्बला (इराक़ का शहर) में मुहर्रम की 10 तारीख़ (जिसे यौमे आशूरा कहा जाता है) के दिन शहीद हुए।
Shia Muslims mourn the killing of Prophet Mohammed's grandson Hazrat Imam Hussain by the cruel army of Yazid I in the Battle of Karbala during Muharram.