The communication for notifying the Act was mailed by the Centre to the Delhi government in December 2021, he added. Saxena directed the health department to ascertain the lapses leading to the "inordinate delay" in processing the matter and asked to assign the responsibility and exercise caution in the future, the official said. Delhi To Soon Notify Women-Friendly Amendments to Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act After Two Years of Delay.
The Karnataka High Court issued directions to ensure that rape victims are promptly made aware of their abortion rights so that rape victims are not later forced to approach courts for permission at a belated stage.
The court passed the order while hearing the plea of a 16-year-old carrying a pregnancy of a gestation period of 25 weeks. She told the court on Saturday that she was fearful of losing her life while undergoing MTP.
India News: The Supreme Court’s handling of a mother-of-two’s plea to abort a 26-week pregnancy also highlights the challenges of getting an abortion in a country
The Bombay High Court recently asked Maharashtra government to consider the suggestions submitted by a lawyer for creating awareness among public about the medical boards set up for medical termination of pregnancies.