people. we want to thank everyone for supporting us. are nonviolent protests. also new today, city officials telling msn news that police body cameras were turned off during the beating of nichols. officials telling nbc news that none of the body cam footage was lost. that when police first stop nichols, one of the three officers involved in not activate his camera, and in other turned it on, but the camera fell off immediately. at the sign of the butane, officials said only two officers had their body cameras activated s. meanwhile, protesters around the country are once again mobilizing to demand change from lawmakers. the murder of tyre nichols was horrendous. what we need now is civilian oversight of police, and community control of police. law that will make it clear to
The laid-off workers will get severance pay and the last day of work is reported to be September 30. Media reports said that Microsoft was not satisfied with the quality of work being rendered under HCL who had got the contract work. Now, after the expiry of contract, the employees stand to lose their job, reports added.