Welcome to hannIty. TonIght, early votIng In the commonwealth of PennsylvanIa Commpennsylvy In 12 days. Now, the fIrst maIl In ballots wIll be out to voters vot thIs frIday. That would be tomorrow In north carolIna. A mere and the electIon Is a mere 60 days away. But Kamala HarrIs tIm walz, they have conducted only one LIort IntervIew combIned. They both lIterally run froM Every questIon, even Thosey Runr by frIendly reporters. Coey hav shoe held zero press conferences, no Town Halls, gaggles. None of It In the same tImean frame. Donald trump. J. D. Vance. A partIcIped thme edIted a Wells 40 IntervIews and Town Halls and press conferences, cludIn IncludIng last nIght In harrIsburg, p. A. , where the former took questIons for t more than an hour, In fact. Wellan we couldnt fIt It all I In just one show. I dIond have. Ou wIl one more questIon for the presIdent. Youll see the answer to thIs In a moment. L answer to thIsand that was abr not the presIdent wouldIdent, In fact, how would he d
twitter, spotify, net flex, and reddit but it wasn t those companies that were hacked. it was a middle man company that most people don t know called dine that actually plays a crucial role as the middle man in the internet. when you type in twitter.com, for example, it s dine that makes sure you get there. so once this site was attacked, it brought down all the other sites so that people couldn t connect to them. the fbi is looking into the matter but right now people close to the investigation on dine s side of it tell me that so far there s not enough evidence to point their finger at any group or particular nation. at least not for now. sam, thank you. just for the record wikileaks is not taking responsibility for this cyber attack. here s what they posted in a tweet. they said, mr.s a sang is still alive, wikileaks is still publishing. we ask supporters to stop taking down the u.s. internet. you proved your point. we ll keep you posted as news developments. we ve called it a b