In recent weeks, two potentially calamitous events on campuses happened largely under the radar of public attention; the collapse of Educor and its private higher education brands hogged the media limelight.
The committee said stakeholders at the university needed to up their game after the panel report that laid bare serious governance issues involving, in the main, former vice-chancellor Mamokgethi Phakeng and former council chair Babalwa Ngonyama.
The Mpati Report makes it clear that Phakeng not only saw the people around her through a primarily racial lens, but energetically and uncritically applied the racial labels that were institutionalised by the apartheid state. Part One in a two-part series.
While the Mpati Report provides important recommendations on the roles of university councils, it is largely silent on a second aspect of university governance that also contributed to the leadership crisis: the shift from collegial to managerial forms of governance within the university.