An accomplished mathematician, teacher, science educator and one of the best-known names in Pune, Mangala Narlikar, who was suffering from cancer, died in the early hours of Monday at the age of 80.
The largest planet in the solar system will be closest to Earth in 59 years tonight. The next time it comes this close will be 107 years from now, in 2129.
The solar eclipse taking over the skies today is going to very special. During the eclipse, in a rare view, the Sun will appear as a‘Ring of fire’ for a brief moment. The eclipse will commence at 8:00 am. From its western edge, the disc of the Moon will creep over the Sun. The maximum eclipse will be around 9.30 am and the phenomenon will conclude around 11:16 am. The eclipse will be visible in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore,
Get ready for the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
December 17, 2020 21:00 IST
The next occasion when these two gas giant planets will come comparably close will be on 15 March, 2080
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Though the two planets will be juxtaposed one on top of another, on 21st December night, their actual distance from each other will be around 735 million kms
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The next occasion when these two gas giant planets will come comparably close will be on 15 March, 2080
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