One beautiful morning my toddler was playing in his Cozy Coupe toy car when it was time for me to take him to playgroup. He was having a great time playing, and when I told him it was time to go to Morah, he (quite cutely but determinedly) insisted, “No, it is not time to go to Morah.” I saw a possible tantrum coming and recalled the guidance of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter, who explained that, to a child, his toy ship is as complete a reality as a real ship is to a wealthy merchant. When either ship is taken away, it is a tragedy to its owner. So instead of taking my son’s words at face value, I quickly thought about what was underlying his thoughts. I realized that he was just enjoying his Cozy Coupe, and that the best thing I could do was to validate and embrace his reality. I asked him if he wanted me to put gas into his car so it would work better. He smiled brightly. Within 30 seconds he was parking the car by the house and reaching his hand into mine so we could go to Morah.