December 18, 2020
CEA-Leti Papers at IEDM 2020 Highlight Progress in Overcoming Challenges to Making GaN Energy-Saving, Power-Electronics Devices
Gallium Nitride Seen as Highly Efficient Replacement for Silicon In Wide Range of Consumer and Industrial Uses
GRENOBLE, France – Dec. 16, 2020 – Two complementary research papers from CEA-Leti confirmed that the institute’s approach to gallium-nitride (GaN) technologies is on track overcome challenges in the architecture and performance of advanced GaN devices embedding a MOS gate, and targeting the fast-growing global market for power-conversion systems.
In papers presented at IEDM 2020, scientists recounted experiments with variations of high-electron- mobility transistors (HEMT) based on gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si), called GaN-on-Si HEMT. GaN-based semiconductors improve both performance and reliability of increasingly compact power converters compared to silicon, and AIGaN/GaN HEMTs have shown potential to re
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Home > Press > CEA-Leti Papers at IEDM 2020 Highlight Progress in Overcoming Challenges to Making GaN Energy-Saving, Power-Electronics Devices: Gallium Nitride Seen as Highly Efficient Replacement for Silicon In Wide Range of Consumer and Industrial Uses
Two complementary research papers from CEA-Leti confirmed that the institutes approach to gallium-nitride (GaN) technologies is on track overcome challenges in the architecture and performance of advanced GaN devices embedding a MOS gate, and targeting the fast-growing global market for power-conversion systems.
CEA-Leti Papers at IEDM 2020 Highlight Progress in Overcoming Challenges to Making GaN Energy-Saving, Power-Electronics Devices: Gallium Nitride Seen as Highly Efficient Replacement for Silicon In Wide Range of Consumer and Industrial Uses
Leti highlights progress in GaN power electronics
Micro/nanotechnology R&D center CEA-Leti of Grenoble, France says that two complementary research papers presented at the 66th IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2020) confirm that its approach to gallium nitride (GaN) technologies is on track to overcome challenges in the architecture and performance of advanced GaN devices embedding a MOS gate, and targeting the fast-growing global market for power-conversion systems.
Researchers recounted experiments with variations of high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) based on GaN-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si). Compared with silicon, GaN-based semiconductors improve both performance and reliability of increasingly compact power converters, and AlGaN/GaN HEMTs have shown the potential to replace power-conversion solutions based on silicon or silicon carbide (SiC) for high-frequency applications with high power and low noise. This technology is therefore expected to