A range of options for re-designing the Morrissey Boulevard corridor were presented at a public meeting of the Morrissey Boulevard Commission on Thursday night (May 2) at Boston College High School in front of a crowd of roughly 70 people, with another 50 participating virtually. The Morrissey Commission was formed by state law last year to devise a plan to redesign Morrissey
Members of the Columbia-Savin Hill Civic Association voted to support the potential change of occupancy certification from two to three units at 20 Pearl Street at Monday’s general membership meeting. James Christopher, the principal manager of 686 Architects, said at the meeting that the building has been taxed as a three-family unit since 2011, even though only two
Are the state officials charged with running the Morrissey Commission serious about getting the public’s input as they study ways to improve the boulevard and Kosciuszko Circle? Judging from how it’s been run to date, the answer is: Not really. The commission which includes elected and appointed officials from both city and state government met for the first time on Nov.