As per a seven-day forecast by the regional weather forecasting centre (RWFC), New Delhi, the highest temperature in the national capital is expected to be around 37 degrees Celsius on Thursday and Friday while from Saturday onwards it is expected to drop to 33-34 degrees Celsius., Delhi News, Times Now
Delhi Rains inundated the city yet again with waterlogging and traffic snarls in various parts. Heavy rainfall threw an already struggling and flooded city out of gear. Major roads including Mathura Road, ITO, Tilak Nagar reported massic traffic snarls due to water logging. IMD predicts more to come. , Delhi News, Times Now
IMD has predicted a generally cloudy sky over the National Capital Territory with chances of light rain or thundershowers. In a related advisory, Delhi Government has advised offices to employ WFH and issued a general Flood Alert in the capital city. Check out the complete 7 day weather forecast - , Delhi News, Times Now
The water level of the Yamuna River in Delhi has reached a stable point and is anticipated to recede starting tonight, according to a senior official from the Central Water Commission (CWC). The CWS director, Sharad Chandra, stated, "The water level has stabilized, and it is expected to start subsiding within the next four hours. By 3 am on Friday, it is projected to decrease to 208.45 meters.", Delhi News, Times Now