Were all looking at whats happening in washington but i have to say for those of us who have known donald trump for a long time, follow donald trump for a long time, to borrow from star wars lexicon, there is a disturbance in the force there. He is shaking. Heres the front page of the daily news, talking about poor donald. Weve also talked about him coming off the four plus. Weve always said, if you want to understand donald trump, and upset this in the beginning, understand the money. The money. I still think that a lot of these criminal investigations in the possibility of going to obstruct for him, of him sitting there, and the possibility of losing his businesses, losing trump tower, having to pay 200 and 50 million that he doesnt have. I think thats getting to it. Look at the clip of an Attorney General in New York State that i think is just kind of had enough. Mike this case was brought simply because it was a case where individuals have engaged in a practice of fraud. I will not
Nays. The ayes and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the ayes and nays shall rise. A sufficient number risen, the ayes and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 3 of rule 20, the chair directs the clerk to conduct the vote by a call of the roll. The clerk will call the roll alphabetically by surname. The house will be in order. The clerk may call the roll. Adams . Yes. Aye. Aderholt . No. Nay. Aguilar . Aye. Yea. Alford . No. Nay. Allen . No. Nay. Allred . Aye. Yea. Emmaday . No. Nay. Armstrong . No. No. Arrington . No. Nay. O ochenclaus . Yes. Yea. Babbin . No. Nay. Bacon . No. Nay. Baird . No. Nay. Balderson . No. Nay. Ballent . Yes. Yea. Banks . Banks . Barr . No. Nay. Barragan . Yes. Yes. Barragan . Yea. Bean of florida . No. Nay. Beatty . Yes. Yea. Bentz . No. Nay. Berra . Yes. Yea. Birdman . No. Nay. Beyer . Yea. Yea. Bice . No. Nay. Biggs . Aye. Yea. Bilaracas . No. Nay. Bishop of georgia . Yes. Yea. Bishop of North Carolina . Yes. Yea. No. Nay. Bloomhour . Nay. Blunt,
welcome to hannity . tonight we are broadcasting live from the grand old opry right here in beautiful nashville, tennessee, which is the site of the fifth annual patriot awards. that kicks off tomorrow. don t miss it. 6:30 p.m. only on fox nation. coming up the one and only kid rock right here on our set. that will be a lot of fun. we begin tonight on the west coast where the president of the united states just wrapped up a series of high-stakes meetings with the dictator of china president xi. this was after months of begging and pleading and begging and ass kissing. america s relationship with china has severely deteriorated since joe biden has become president. and frankly for good reason. china we all know infected the world with covid-19, a disease that killed more than 1 million americans. there has never been any accountability. they continue to ship massive quantities of cheap fentanyl to north america. that s a drug that is killing 200 of our fellow americans every
this is jesse watters primetime. [cheers] the wild white house surrounded and other places vandalized. a call for joe biden to step down. inside a christian elementary school where there were three children killed before being shot and killed himself. the tr trans shooter manifeso now leaked and why they were hiding it. i think i m help, please help me. help. joe biden, who has never filled an arena in his life shocked everyone this weekend when he filled the weekend streets, rattling the cages of the white house, chanting the new nickname. [cheers] [cheers] jesse: did biden go in the bunker this weekend? no, obviously he was in delaware, the writers spent the night vandalizing the capital. the white house pillars desecrated with blood red paint, monuments of our founding fathers, ben franklin and others were abused. [inaudible] jesse: the statue of lafayette in the park across from the street defaced, no patriotic american would ever do th
hours of literally planes, trains, and automobiles, to get from malawi, back to my workplace tonight, including a flight delay along the way, three airplanes. well i m glad you make it made it. so here s the thing. with this kind of jet lag, anything can happen. well that s a strong tease. chris, don t leave the building, because we might need you, and there could be, i could slip into a nap at the first commercial break. not to mention what could come out of my mouth, don t leave, i m begging you, don t leave. i won t be leaving the building, and the viewers will be glued to their seats after this. anything can happen halloween. sounds wild. thank, you chris. well, arthur ray handsome the second of huntsville, alabama, has become the first trump fuller follower to be accused of following donald trump s in soliciting instructions to threaten the lives of people involved in the arrest and prosecution of donald trump. he delivered those threats in the stupides