Explosion. This is what beirut has been enduring, massive israeli strikes that could ignite the whole region because israel killed its target, sheikh hassan nasrallah. For his followers, it s a devastating blow, for his iranian backers, a strategic loss. The longtime leader of hezbollah was a long time in hiding. This was the moment, in a new york hotel room on friday, when binyamin netanyahu approved the strike on his old enemy. Translation: the state of israel yesterday eliminated the master murderer hassan nasrallah. We settled accounts with the one responsible for the murder of countless israelis and many citizens of other countries. Nasrallah was not another terrorist, he was the terrorist. Israel claims this is a historic turning point. For many in beirut, it s a time of fear. Plenty were fleeing the city today, clinging to the hope of finding safety somewhere. But there is danger in every direction in lebanon. We travelled through dahieh, the hezbollah stronghold now looking any
Dates in all of it. Trump says he will negotiate a deal to end the war on ukraine that will be good for both sides but what is he talking about? hurricane helene has left a trail of destruction across the southeastern united states. Dozens are dead and millions without power and there are two other storms during tonight in the atlantic. I am ayman mohyeldin and let us do it. We are tracking the pollen across the middle east after hezbollah confirmed earlier today it s a leader, hassan nasrallah, was killed by an israeli airstrike in southern beirut the israeli military has india strikes across lebanon with evacuation orders for neighborhoods and cities southern suburbs. Amid the ramped up attacks hospitals in beirut are filling up with the exact death toll from yesterday s attack and subsequent airstrikes remains unclear but at least 1000 people have been killed since september 17th. The day thousands of pager exploded simultaneously across the country. Around 200,000 residents have b
LInks to Iran. LInks to Iran. He was one of the best known he was one of the best known and most InfluentIal fIgures In the MIddle East. Born In 1960, Hassan Nasrallah grew up In beIrut s Eastern Bourj Hammoud neIghbourhood. He became leader of hezbollah In 1992, at the age of 32, after hIs predecessor was assassInated. He played a Key Role In turnIng hezbollah Into a powerful polItIcal and mIlItary force. Under hIs leadershIp, he helped hezbollah TraIn Hundreds of fIghters from the palestInIan MIlItant Group hamas. And he also obtaIned mIssIles and rockets from Iran for use agaInst Israel. Lets speak to anna foster, our mIddle East Correspondent In beIrut. Talk us through exactly what we know about what happened there. ThIs Is a really crucIal moment now. Last nIght, about 6 20pm here In beIrut, we had thIs huge serIes of explosIons a few kIlometres from where I am now In dahIeh, In the Southern Suburbs, a hezbollah stronghold. We saw pIctures quIckly of absolute destructIon comIng ou
Hospitals have been inundated with those injured and they are very traumatised Health Workers and Front Line workers. But we are flying in emergency medical supplies, we have flown in 100 medical tonnes last weekend and this week, but it is difficult to find those aircraft to come in and deliver the goods. We are doing what we can with what we have on the ground but time is of the essence given the magnitude of the crisis and the level of injuries we are dealing with, and facilities, and trying to get clean Drinking Water to people to survive. You mentioned people are sleeping in their cars but they are on the Streets and in they are on the Streets and in the beach, they are taking shelter under bridges. It is a really catastrophic situation this morning and we can still see where the bombings have taken place all throughout the night and have continued this morning. In terms of logistics, what we have been witnessing in gaza, well aware of the difficulties and struggles of moving age
Which After 2006 wAs designed to provide A Buffer Zone. IsrAel sAy they wAnt to bring thAt bAck so thAt residents in the north of isrAel cAn return to their homes, Around 100,000 orso to their homes, Around 100,000 or so of them were evAcuAted in the dAys After october 7, when filing stArted to come Across the Borderfrom LebAnon into isrAel. We Are following this developing story for you And reAlly trying to work out whAt exActly hAs hAppened. We know whAt we hAve seen, we hAve seen those pictures of destruction, we sAw the pictures of the significAnt mAin strike LAst Night thAt isrAel sAid it tArgeted the heAdquArters of hezbollAh. And Also this Air Strikes thAt continued to come through the night until the eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAinjust in eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAin just in the lAst few hours. Some BreAking News just coming to me now. It looks like we do now hAve thAt stAtement from hezbollAh confirming the deAth of HAssAn NAsrAllAh. BeArwith confirm