Which After 2006 wAs designed to provide A <A href=''>Buffer ZoneA>. IsrAel sAy they wAnt to bring thAt bAck so thAt residents in the north of isrAel cAn return to their homes, Around 100,000 orso to their homes, Around 100,000 or so of them were evAcuAted in the dAys After october 7, when filing stArted to come Across the <A href=''>Borderfrom LebAnonA> into isrAel. We Are following this developing story for you And reAlly trying to work out whAt exActly hAs hAppened. We know whAt we hAve seen, we hAve seen those pictures of destruction, we sAw the pictures of the significAnt mAin strike <A href=''>LAst NightA> thAt isrAel sAid it tArgeted the heAdquArters of hezbollAh. And Also this <A href=''>Air StrikeA>s thAt continued to come through the night until the eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAinjust in eArly hours of this morning, And more AgAin just in the lAst few hours. Some <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> just coming to me now. It looks like we do now hAve thAt stAtement from hezbollAh confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeArwith confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeAr with me, confirming the deAth of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. BeArwith me, im just looking At this As it is coming injust now. This looks like it is A stAtement on telegrAm thAt hAs come from hezbollAh, confirming thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAs been killed. ThAt is the lAtest thAt we Are heAring from then As we sAid, the <A href=''>IsrAeli Defense ForcesA> sAid this morning, thAt they hAd killed <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> but we Are heAring now from hezbollAh, confirmAtion from hezbollAh. They Are sAying thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, A significAnt moment, they sAy, wAs killed in thAt <A href=''>Air StrikeA> here in southern beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>. ThAnk you very much for thAt. We Are just thAnk you very much for thAt. We Arejust digesting thAnk you very much for thAt. We Are just digesting thAt the lAtest <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> from AnnA there. Wejust lAtest <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> from AnnA there. We just wAnt to recAp whAt we Are heAring. This is for the <A href=''>Reuters News AgencyA>, A significAnt development. LebAnons hezbollAh sAys its leAder hAs it been killed in A stAtement. They sAy thAt the group will continue its <A href=''>HezbollAh LeAderA> <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAs been killed. Now just heAring A newsflAsh from A <A href=''>News AgencyA> repeAting the sAme informAtion. We hAve been wAiting A couple of hours from Any confirmAtion from hezbollAh or from Any confirmAtion from <A href=''>HezbollAh Orfrom IrAnA> And it seems Any confirmAtion from hezbollAh or from irAn And it seems thAt we hAve it. Lets cross bAck to A knight who still live for us <A href=''>In BeirutA>. So we hAve got confirmAtion from hezbollAh� s point of view. WhAt does this meAn . It point of view. WhAt does this meAn . ,. , meAn . It is A hugely significAnt meAn . It is A hugely significAnt moment, | meAn . It is A hugely significAnt moment, lewis, As weve been reflecting All morning. This is whAt isrAel sAid severAl hours Ago. They sAid severAl hours Ago. They sAid thAt they hAd very precise And cleAr intelligence thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAd been killed. We were reAlly wAiting for thAt confirmAtion from hezbollAh themselves And it is neArly 2A hours now sAys thAt strike, but they hAve releAsed this stAtement. They sAy, his brother, thAt their bAttle AgAinst isrAel will continue but the significAnce of this moment is huge on severAl fronts hezbollAh. <A href=''>0ne MomentA> is huge on severAl fronts hezbollAh. One is the ActuAl orgAnisAtion itself. It is interesting <A href=''>YesterdAy EveningA> in the first three hours After this strike, some of the rhetoric coming from irAn. They stArted tAlking About the fAct thAt every <A href=''>LeAder And OrgAnisAtionA> hAd people reAdy to tAke over. I think thAt wAs the first hint thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> mAy hAve been killed. There is tAlk About the strength of the orgAnisAtion but AgAin, he wAs involved right from the stArt. He wAs involved in the inception of hezbollAh. It is his fAce thAt is on the post is thAt you see in the hezbollAh� s strongholds. It is his voice thAt delivers two speeches regulArly. He is very much the figureheAd of thAt orgAnisAtion. We hAve been tAlking About severAl of the top commAnders who hAve Also been killed in isrAeli strikes over the lAst three dAys but none of them hAs the <A href=''>NAme Or FAceA> recognition of her son nAsrAllAh. It will hAve <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. It will hAve An impAct on the orgAnisAtion. It is A prescribed terrorist orgAnisAtion, it is importAnt to remember Among vArious governments Around the world but Also politicAl pArty here lebAnon. It will be interesting to see the impAct it hAs on hezbollAh but Also it is of potentiAl responsibility he is A significAnt figure in the <A href=''>Middle EAstA> And thAt Axis of resistAnce. It is rAining <A href=''>Assets AccessA> of this distAnce thAt brings in hAmAs, <A href=''>HezbollAh HouthisA> in syriA. BeArin <A href=''>HezbollAh HouthisA> in syriA. BeAr in mind is my honey he wAs is my honey he wAs beAr in mind is my honey he wAs A significAnt figure in hAmAs, A significAnt figure in hAmAs, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs their politicAl leAder, he wAs one of the top two Along he wAs one of the top two Along with Another leAder, he wAs with Another leAder, he wAs Also killed And its run did Also killed And its run did not clAim A strike, he wAs not clAim A strike, he wAs killed And there hAs not be killed And there hAs not be whAt you would describe As A whAt you would describe As A significAnt response to dutch. SignificAnt response to dutch. WhAt would be hAppening in tAy whAt would be hAppening in <A href=''>TAy RunA> is thAt they will be tAken run is thAt they will be tAken As stock And they will be As stock And they will be considering whAt they wAnt to considering whAt they wAnt to do And sAy in response to whAt do And sAy in response to whAt you were sAying A very you were sAying A very significAnt moment. This lArge significAnt moment. This lArge strike, which we sAw And heArd strike, which we sAw And heArd in the southern suburbs of in the southern suburbs of beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>, which we beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>, which we know hAs now killed the <A href=''>LeAder KnowA> hAs now killed the leAder of hezbollAh <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. Of hezbollAh <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. Ijust of hezbollAh <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. I just wAnt to bring you just A ijust of hezbollAh <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. I just wAnt to bring you just A couple of lines from thAt couple of lines from thAt stAtement. This is releAsed by hezbollAh. The tAlk About <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> in their words, moving, he hAs moved to the side of the lord And do his pleAsure, is A greAt Amount out, A heroic, brAve, insightful And fAtAl leAder. They sAy thAt he hAs joint is greAt immortAl mAtter, As his <A href=''>PArty LedA> for 30 yeArs. It wAs A tAlk About the continuAtion of hezbollAh And of hezbollAh� s mission And they sAy to support A geyser And pAlestine, to defend lebAnon And its steAdfAst And honourAble people. It is A long stAtement And thAt is just A fAvour of it. ThAt is very much <A href=''>HezbollAhs MissionA> of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. 0f <A href=''>HezbollAhs MissionA> of <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. Of course, in mAny pArts of the region, in syriA, for exAmple, his deAth will be celebrAted And certAinly, in isrAel, they wAnted it to remove him As the leAder of hezbollAh becAuse, they hAve been of course this <A href=''>Herb MAn HezbollAhA> strikes coming Across the <A href=''>Borderfrom IsrAelA> bAck into isrAel. They wAnted to move isrAelis bAck into the northern pArt of the country. They were sAid to see this As A victory for isrAel, something thAt will strengthen isrAeli security And they will see it As A very successful militAry mission. Just confirming thAt news thAt we hAve been tAlking About And wAiting for the lAst three hours. HezbollAh hAve now confirmed the deAth of their leAder <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> After thAt strike ye in bAbies <A href=''>LAst NightA>. ThAt strike ye in bAbies lAst niuht. �. ~ , night. AnnA, i think you very much for night. AnnA, i think you very much for thAt night. AnnA, i think you very much for thAt in night. AnnA, i think you very much for thAt in the night. AnnA, i think you very l much for thAt in the moment. Night. AnnA, i think you very much for thAt in the moment. MAtt After much for thAt in the moment. mAtt After thAt strike <A href=''>In BeirutA> <A href=''>LAst NightA>. We mAtt After thAt strike <A href=''>In BeirutA> <A href=''>LAst NightA>. MAtt After thAt strike <A href=''>In BeirutA> lAst niuht. ~. , beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>. We hAve been live in <A href=''>Is RAlphA> beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>. We hAve been live in <A href=''>Is RAlphA> beirut <A href=''>LAst NightA>. We hAve been live in <A href=''>Is RAlphA> <A href=''>In BeirutA> <A href=''>LAst NightA>. We hAve been live in <A href=''>Is RAlphA> in lebAnon. | live in <A href=''>Is RAlphA> in lebAnon. This one to bring you bAck up todAy to the regulAted thAt we know. If you Are <A href=''>Justjoin TodAyA> to the regulAted thAt we know. If you Arejustjoin in, we Are continuing speciAl coverAge following the news thAt isrAel thAt it hAs killed the leAder of hezbollAh <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> in An overnight strike on the cApitAl, beirut <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. <A href=''>0ur CorrespondentA> is live for us <A href=''>In BeirutA>. Just tAlk us through now thAt we hAve this confirmAtion from hezbollAh, thAt he hAs been killed, just tAlk us through the implicAtions now. TAlk us through the im licAtions now. ~. , implicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr. CongrAtulAting in its stAtement its supporters An implicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr. ImplicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr, hAssAn implicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr, <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, | implicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr, hAssAn implicAtions now. Well, now, its cleAr, <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, | its cleAr, <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, the leAder of hezbollAh hAs its cleAr, <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, the leAder of hezbollAh hAs been killed. Everyone wAs been killed. Everyone wAs wAiting for An officiAl wAiting for An officiAl stAtement by the group becAuse stAtement by the group becAuse until then, until then, stAtement by the group becAuse untilthen, <A href=''>MediA StAtementA> by the group becAuse stAtement by the group becAuse untilthen, <A href=''>MediA StAtementA> by the group becAuse until then, mediA wAs AwAiting until then, mediA wAs AwAiting for confirmAtion And you would for confirmAtion And you would not be Able to be sure despite not be Able to be sure despite thAt isrAeli Army And french thAt isrAeli Army And french <A href=''>Foreign MinistryA> And those thAt <A href=''>Foreign MinistryA> And those thAt they hAve confirmAtion thAt he they hAve confirmAtion thAt he wAs killed. But now, it is wAs killed. But now, it is cleAr thAt the group itself cleAr thAt the group itself sAysin cleAr thAt the group itself sAysin cleAr thAt the group itself sAys in A stAtement And sAys in A <A href=''>StAtement And CongrAtulAtingA> in its <A href=''>StAtement CongrAtulAtingA> in its stAtement its supporters And its supporters And promising thAt they will continue. The mood here is very different. I cAnt reAlly describe, is it A pleAsAnt mood . Is it A shock to me to . ProbAbly A mix of All of them is it A tense mood . They fled from some under mr <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. Some people, even At lebAnese mediA, were insinuAting thAt they think thAt the next tArget will be the leAder of hezbollAh but i think mAny did not expect thAt it will be this scene. So, everyone is surprised to heAr this. ~ ,. , , everyone is surprised to heAr this. ,. , this. Why does this meAn in terms of this. Why does this meAn in terms of the this. Why does this meAn in terms of the orgAnisAtion. L terms of the orgAnisAtion. CleArly, the Assertion will be from the isrAeli perspective thAt the orgAnisAtion will be significAntly weAkened without is leAder of three decAdes or so the Assumptions will be from the isrAeli perspective. Would thAt be the cAse where you Are . Would thAt be the cAse where ou Are . �. , you Are . Before his AssAssinAtion, you Are . Before his AssAssinAtion, he. You Are . Before his AssAssinAtion, he AppeAred you Are . Before his AssAssinAtion, he AppeAred on the cAmerA tAlking to me its people, nissAn hAs roller, right After pAger <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> right After <A href=''>PAger ExplosionsA> thAt left mAny injured. He sAid thAt this wAs A very. It wAs A strong AttAck And blow it to hezbollAh And he himself sAid thAt A week Ago And right After thAt, we hAd A series of AssAssinAtions. At leAst, 16 commAndos were killed in one building from <A href=''>HezbollAh RightA> After these pAger <A href=''>AttAcks MAgA> 16 commAnders. If you hAve A look to the chArt, he wAs the top And everyone under him wAs AlreAdy killed. HezbollAh itself is A very lAid orgAnisAtion. They AlwAys hAve commAnders reAdy to tAke And step in, And tAke their responsibility but now, we Are tAlking About the leAder of the group. The people, the nAme thAt we hAd And we hAd from hezbollAh sources before thAt if something hAppened to <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, who will replAce him . It seems thAt those people Also hAve probAbly been killed. So it is very it is A very vAgue situAtion. I think thAt even the orgAnises it but the orgAnisAtion itself doesnt know whAt is next. He the orgAnisAtion itself doesnt know whAt is next. Know whAt is next. He very cleArs know whAt is next. He very cleArs cleArly know whAt is next. He very cleArs cleArly lAid know whAt is next. He very cleArs cleArly lAid out i know whAt is next. He very l cleArs cleArly lAid out the cleArs cleArly lAid out the significAnce of this moment. Of the seA, we dont know And they mAy not even know whAt their response mAy be. Were not going to speculAte or guess. But whAt i do wAnt to think About for the moment is whAt kind of options Are open to it hAd been of A response And whAt Are the kind of cAlculAtions And who, for exAmple, will be involved in thAt . How much will it invite irAn be involved in Any response . I it invite irAn be involved in Any response . It invite irAn be involved in Any response . I think irAn itself A shot in Any response . I think irAn itself A shot At in Any response . I think irAn itself A shot At the in Any response . I think irAn itself A shot At the moment. J in Any response . I think irAn l itself A shot At the moment. It is not cleAr whAt their reAction will be. There <A href=''>Supreme LeAderA> denounced the AttAcks <A href=''>On LebAnonA> And declAred support for hezbollAh but here, the feeling is thAt even some hezbollAh supporters thAt irAn left them Alone. This is the feeling thAt some people hAve. Those displAced from the south, from here, they think thAt irAn did not sue enough while on the other hAnd, there Are some thAt believe thAt irAn will come And reorgAnise its Allied group in lebAnon. It is the strongest Allied group or some cAll it, proxy in the region, hezbollAh wAs the most orgAnised group And most <A href=''>Elite OrgAnisedA> And heAvily Armed group supported by irAn in the region. So AgAin, it is very difficult, it is very difficult to AnAlyse whAt is hAppening right now. BecAuse, we dont know like we dont know whAt <A href=''>StAnce IrAnA> were to tAke becAuse it is Also in negotiAtion for its own nucleAr deAl with the west And they wAnt to de escAlAte. ThAt wAs cleAr in the messAge thAt irAns new president sAid in the un Assembly during his speech And Also, during severAl interviews thAt he did in new york. You cleArly kept repeAting thAt they dont wAnt wAr, they wAnted the escAlAtion. They did not mAtch the explAnAtion excel escAlAtion. MAtch the explAnAtion excel escAlAtion escAlAtion. Just tAlk About whAts hAppened escAlAtion. Just tAlk About whAts hAppened here. EscAlAtion. Just tAlk About| whAts hAppened here. Six oclock <A href=''>YesterdAy EveningA>, fridAy evening, we stArted to see those strikes from isrAel into lebAnon, into <A href=''>BrAvery RegionA> And you cAn see thAt AreA out there in A red where the tArgeted strikes took plAce. Now, At thAt point overnight, the reporting wAs thAt <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAd been specificAlly tArgeted by isrAel. We hAd no confirmAtion thAt he hAd been hit, whether he wAs deAd or Alive And then, this morning, the idf, <A href=''>IsrAels MilitAryA> sAid thAt they hAd killed him in those strikes. And then, in the lAst 30 minutes or so, we hAd confirmAtion from hezbollAh thAt its chief <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> hAd indeed been killed in those strikes. So now, we hAve thAt confirmAtion, those bigger wider questions About the region, regionAlspeed region, regionAl speed stAbility, Any region, regionAlspeed stAbility, Any potentiAl response And the involvement of internAtionAl countries like irAn or come to the forefront. We Are going to try to get to the bottom of some of this now. Were to tAlk to An <A href=''>AssociAte ProfessorA> of <A href=''>InternAtionAl RelAtionsA> At ucl. ThAnk you for coming on the progrAmme. Now thAt we hAve confirmAtion on both sides from isrAel And from hezbollAh thAt he hAs been killed, whAt is your reAction to thAt, the significAnce of it . � ,. , , to thAt, the significAnce of it . , it . As we hAve missed sAying All morning. It . As we hAve missed sAying All morning, this it . As we hAve missed sAying All morning, this is it . As we hAve missed sAying All morning, this is A it . As we hAve missed sAying All morning, this is A mAssive blow for hezbollAh for <A href=''>IrAns AccessA> of resistAnce And for the region. HAssAn nAsrAllAh led hezbollAh for over 30 yeArs And mAde is the politicAl And militAry <A href=''>Pie HouseA> thAt it is. Not only 11 Arent but A lArger region but it mAde if the <A href=''>MilitAry PowerhouseA> thAt it is. Not only Around lebAnon but the lArger reAding. In terms of the operAtion thAt we hAve seen over the lAst severAl weeks, i would sAy thAt isrAel hAs cArried out these kinds of AssAssinAtions before on, for exAmple, on <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>s predecessor of hezbollAh And hAmAs And other groups. Most of these goods Are Able to keep going. There Are still other people in the rAnks who Are Able to keep going. Even though thAt this is A huge hit for hezbollAh, i dont think it will be their downfAll And if Anything, i imAgine thAt this will spArk A retAliAtion from <A href=''>HezbollAh And IrAnA> i think thAt is whAt we Are All looking At Are trying to AscertAin right now. If Are trying to AscertAin right now. , Are trying to AscertAin right now. , y. , now. If thAt is your Assessment. Now. If thAt is your Assessment. Took| now. If thAt is your Assessment. Took us to now. If thAt is your Assessment. Took us to wAtch Anything thAt looks like. WhAt Are some of the options . I think they Are two mAin options. 0ne think they Are two mAin options. One is for hezbollAh itself to tAke direct Actions AgAinst isrAel. Right now, the hits thAt we hAve seen it hezbollAh to end isrAel sAid to be very lArge scAle but they hAve not used their most significAnt rep And we Are yet to be very lArge scAle but they hAve not used their most significAnt rep And we Are yet to. They do isrAel As deep As <A href=''>Tel AvivA> And jerusAlem And hAve not ruled thAt out yet. I think thAt would be one option to shift to those more sophisticAted pArts of their ArsenAl. The second option is of course, with irAn itself And As we hAve hAd throughout the week, irAn hAs seemingly been shown over this lAst yeAr And do not seem to wAnt A direct conflict And this simply force there hAd to hAve their primAry if it in the region dAmAged in this wAy. I think it is going to be hArd for them to ignore <A href=''>Icy PressureA> will be on them to retAliAte And respond in some wAy well it will be high for them to ignore this pressure. CAn you stAy right there . I Am going to come strAight bAck to you in A moment to but hAve just been sent in some pictures. This is AppArently releAsed by the <A href=''>Idf FootAgeA> from the <A href=''>CommAnd CentreA> At the operAtion to kill <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> is under wAy. As the operAtion to kill <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> is under wAy. These pictures, these Are not bbc pictures, these Are not bbc pictures, these Are not bbc pictures, these hAve been releAsed by the idf AppeAring to show A <A href=''>CommAnd CentreA> during the operAtion to kill <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>. Dont think we hAve Any <A href=''>Sound Or AnythingA> to go with those pictures, but i Am seeing those just As you Are for the first time And just wAnted to show them strAightAwAy. Ijust hAve one <A href=''>BreAk LineA> from the <A href=''>Reuters News AgencyA> sAying is pAlestiniAn group hAmAs Are sAying in A stAtement, it mourned the deAth of <A href=''>Lebron Ons HezbollAhA> leAder <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA> on sAturdAy. We now hAve A response from the <A href=''>Reuters News AgencyA> from hAmAs to events And we hAve just hAd from the isrAeli militAry there in the <A href=''>CommAnd CentreA> And they sAy is the moment the operAtion wAs tAking plAce to <A href=''>Kill DA> hAs been lets go bAck to doctor julie normAn. ThAnk you very much for stAnding by for us therejust As we much for stAnding by for us there just As we Are getting those pictures into the building. Just wAnt to be cleAred kid thAt they were not mAke cleAr thAt they were not filled by the bbc. Now, where does irAn sit, whAt other conclusion be mAde there now . ,. ,. , other conclusion be mAde there now . ,. ,. , now . IrAn does hAve A new president now . IrAn does hAve A new president And now . IrAn does hAve A new president And hAs now . IrAn does hAve A new president And hAs been now . IrAn does hAve A new| president And hAs been sAid now . IrAn does hAve A new president And hAs been sAid he wAs At the <A href=''>Un GenerAl AssemblyA> this week. His messAging there And prior hAs been leAding towArds A more open ApproAch she wAs the west. SAnctions on irAn Are done, mAybe broker some kind of ArrAngement Around A nucleAr deAl. We hAve been seen A more open <A href=''>HAnd ApproAchA> from irAn to dAte And i would sAy thAt it wAs reAd in other wAys As well. They did not respond to the AssAssinAtion of hemp <A href=''>Will HAmAsA> leAder of ismAil hAniyeh. This is going to put A press ismAiel hAniyeh. This is going to put pressure on them As well. You hAd A complex <A href=''>GovernAnce And FrAmeworkA> thAt even the president does not AlwAys mAke the finAl cAll. There is going to be pressure from mAny within irAns government structure. It would be very difficult, i think to mAintAin the reputAtion of the Axes of visitors if it tAkes A blAde like this without some kind of response. Axis of resistAnce. Response. Axis of resistAnce. Response. Axis of resistAnce. ~. ,. , resistAnce. We hAve looked At this from resistAnce. We hAve looked At this from the resistAnce. We hAve looked At this from the hezbollAh this from the hezbollAh perspective. Lets look At this from the isrAeli perspective. When you think this leAves them todAy . When you think this leAves them todA . ,. ,. , when you think this leAves them todA . ,. ,. , 4 todAy . This losing wAs to kind ofto todAy . This losing wAs to kind of to cAlculAte todAy . This losing wAs to kind of to cAlculAte it todAy . This losing wAs to kind of to cAlculAte it with todAy . This losing wAs to kind of to cAlculAte it with this. Of to cAlculAte it with this. One, they obviously rAck it it 0ne, they obviously rAck it it is up to A very high level with this strAtegy of potentiAlly escAlAted to de escAlAte. CAn we put so much pressure on hezbollAh thAt the due Agreed to A deAl to move bAck behind the river And keep thAt <A href=''>Buffer ZoneA> between <A href=''>Northern IsrAelA> in <A href=''>Southern LebAnonA> on A free of rockets And AttAcks And whAtnot. I dont think thAt is very likely An ice so, i think the other option for isrAel is AgAin to prepAre further operAtions which As we hAve been discussing, which could include A ground operAtion. I think isrAel hAs cArried out his operAtion, cArried out the strike to see how hezbollAh will respond if hezbollAh gives operAtions going, isrAel will As well. ~ operAtions going, isrAel will As well. , ~ ,. ,. , operAtions going, isrAel will Aswell. ,. , As well. ThAnk you for coming on the progrAmme, As well. ThAnk you for coming on the progrAmme, giving As well. ThAnk you for coming on the progrAmme, giving us| on the progrAmme, giving us your AnAlysis on whAt hAs plAyed out over the lAst couple of hours. Just to mArket your cArd, we Are wAiting potentiAlly for An updAte from isrAeli Authorities. We Are wAiting for A press conference. There Are the flAgs there As you cAn see, the electing set And the microphones there. As And the microphones there. As And when Anyone AppeArs, in front of this micro phrAse, we will heAd strAight there to <A href=''>Tel AvivA> for thAt briefing bAck in front of the microphones. A. Of course, we hAve plenty of continuing coverAge here on bbc news. You stAy with us. This is bbc news. Do stAy with us here on bbc news. Hello. Some welcome dry weAther for much of this weekend in AreAs hit bAdly by floods through the pAst week, but there is more rAin to come. <A href=''>0ur RAinfAll ForecAstA> chArt showing the Amounts between now And tuesdAy, shows thAt whilst scotlAnd is dry Across englAnd And wAles, mAinly from lAter sundAy onwArds, we could widely see Around 20 to 30mm dArker spots. The ground is sAturAted thAt we exAsperAte existing flooding issue. This is A fine dry weAther three todAy. It is going to continue with A better sunshine And it will be towArds the middle And southern And eAstern englAnd elsewhere A bit more clout thAn the <A href=''>North And WestA> but A few showers, most of the rAin for north of scotlAnd. Their chilly rAin After thAt cold stArt, 11 to 1A or 15 degrees. CleAr skies, centrAl northern And eAstern pArts with light winds. Going to turn quite chilly once AgAin. TemperAtures so you Are covering out west. ThAt is becAuse we hAve got to this new AreA of low pressure working his wAy into the increAsing breeze from the south wAs About of High Pressure, short lived And stArts to ebb AwAy into the new continent. So this does A fine, with some eArly sunshine but it will fAde with the best of sunshine for the northern hAlf of scotlAnd, telling cloud Are windier And wetter the further <A href=''>South And WestA> thAt you Are As is AreA of low pressure moves in for them A couple of yellow wArnings for <A href=''>RAin And WindA> here. Denbighshire wise, Mid Scenes In The South And low to mid teens further north. SundAy night, we see the <A href=''>Wind And RAinA> entries Across englAnd And wAles to whAt is <A href=''>South And WestA> And thAt rAin could be heAvy And thAt rAin could be heAvy And like i mentioned, could exAsperAte thAt exAcerbAte flooding issue. MondAy, it will become very slow moving And A bit of A . To the <A href=''>North And SouthA> thAt of the rAin. At the moment, it like is AngulAr, up into southern scotlAnd which you cAn see the heAvies of the rent AgAin. ThAt could cAuse issues Are been A while. Such An Across the south. A 17 or 18 degrees. The rAin plAys AwAy, grAduAlly on tuesdAy And wednesdAy, High Pressure bills into And should turn fine And settled. High pressure builds. CentrAl heAdquArters, this is bbc news, im lewis vAughAnjones. Welcome to our speciAl coverAge And the <A href=''>BreAking NewsA> thAt in the lAst hAlf hour, hezbollAh hAs releAsed A stAtement confirming thAt the groups leAder, <A href=''>HAssAn NAsrAllAhA>, hAs been killed. It follows A mAssive isrAeli <A href=''>Air StrikeA>, on fridAy, on the lebAnese cApitAl, beirut. IsrAel hAd eArlier sAid it hAd killed nAsrAllAh in A tArgeted strike on the militAnt groups

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