Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy performing Bhumi Pooja of Kadapa Steel Plant (KSP) with JSW Group Chairman Sajjan Jandal gracing the occasion and preparatory meetings for the Global Investment Summit besides emotive farewell to Governor Biswabhusan Harichandan, investment promotion proposals getting cabinet nod, social engineering coming to the
Amaravati, Jan 31: The first month of the New Year has seen the Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy throwing the gauntlet that he would take political adversaries head-on, while festivities and rolling out of welfare schemes besides appreciation of Government initiatives from other States.
Delhi: Andhra Pradesh is one of the fastest growing states in the country with 11.43% growth rate in terms of GSDP, said Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy while addressing the industry representatives and the International diplomatic alliance in Delhi. He also invited them to participate in the Global Investors Summit in Vizag on March 3 and 4. He also assured the
AMARAVATI: Distribution of permanent title deeds, spicing up of industrial promotion besides calendar DBT programmes, the month has seen a prudent balance of welfare and development by Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, who completed 3.5 years in office this month end. The month began with the Andhra Pradesh State Formation Day celebrations and honouring 30 eminent